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Saint Mark The Apostle


The Founding of the Coptic Church

Saint Mark is one of the original seventy Apostles and one of the four evangelist who wrote the gospel of Mark, and one of the original disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. He planted the first seeds of the Coptic Church when he travelled to Alexandria Egypt to preach to the Egyptians about Christ in the year 61 AD.

Upon entering the city, Saint Mark’s sandals were torn due to the long journey. He went to a cobbler by the name of Anianos to have them fixed. While using an awl to do the work, Anianos pierced his hand and cried out from the pain saying “O’ the One God”. St. Mark then asked him if he knew who that one God is and healed his hand by the power of Jesus Christ. Saint Mark then began to preach to Anianos about The Lord Jesus Christ as the One God and later went to his home and baptized him and his family in the name of Jesus Christ. Many others followed and Christianity began to take roots in Egypt.

St. Mark’s Bibliography


St. Mark was an a native of Africa, born of Jewish parents who belonged to the Levites’ tribe. His family lived in Cyrenaica until they were attacked by the barbarians, and lost their property. Consequently, they moved to Jerusalem with their child John Mark (Acts 12:12, 25; 15:37). St. Mark was well educated and was well versed in both Greek and Latin, in addition to Hebrew. His family was highly religious and in close relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. His cousin was St. Barnabas and his father’s cousin was St. Peter. His mother, Mary, played an important part in the early days of the Church in Jerusalem. Her upper room became the first Christian church in the world where the Lord Jesus Christ Himself instituted the Holy Eucharist (Mk 14:12-26). Also, this is the same place where the Lord appeared to the disciples after His resurrection and His Holy Spirit came upon them.

Young Mark was always associated with the Lord, who choose him as one of the seventy Apostles. He is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures in a number of events related with the Lord. For example, he was present at the wedding of Cana of Galilee, and was the man who had been carrying the jar when the two disciples went to prepare a place for the celebration of the Passover (Mk 14:13-14; Lk 22:11).
